Before you commission me...


What types of characters will I draw?

Furries (Preferred)Mechs (not confident in skills)
Anthros (Preferred)Real people (excluding live action characters)
HumansPup/leather (Minor, nothing against the community)
Monsters (Preferred)DDLG
Fandom charactersFetish focused characters (Minor, nothing against the community.)
Humanoids (Preferred)Anything non-con/proship
Light goreAnything NSFW, including sexual content or heavy gore (Minor)
Artistic top nudityBottom nudity of any kind ( Still a Minor)
Tasteful suggestive clothing or poses (This applies to pin-ups and other forms of suggestive but relatively tame work)Clearly explicit poses or extremely revealing clothing (Self explanatory)

What are your rules for commissions?

1. I have the right to deny any commission that I feel uncomfortable with or otherwise am not confident that I will be able to complete.2. Refunds can only be transferred through cashapp. I will not refund anything past the sketching phase. Full refunds are given if the sketch has not been completed, but otherwise, 90% of the payment will be refunded.3. Do not send me heavy gore, full nudity, or other NSFW content. I am a minor. If this occurs, you will be blocked and blacklisted.4. If I determine a commission goes against my morals, I will not fulfill it. This includes commissions coming from people who openly promote hate speech on their accounts or otherwise support illegal activity: Ie, pedophilia, zoophilia, etc. This does not apply to religious affiliation, sexuality, or other personal matters-- only illegal and or hateful activity.5. All edits that are done due to a fault on my part are entirely free. Any MAJOR edits during the painting phase due to a lack of communication during previous phases, past the third major edit, I will ask for a charge for 5$ to complete this edit. If not paid for, I will continue the painting as normal without this fix. This only applies to situations wherein I am not properly communicated with. This does not apply to small errors, or early on adjustments.7. Commissions may miss turnaround time dates due to real life circumstances. I do not offer refunds for delayed commissions, only canceled ones.8. If at any point a commissioner uses rude or otherwise harmful language towards me, within or outside of DMS, I have the right to deny or halt service. This applies mainly to harassment.9. I expect commissioners to properly credit me if they are to post my artwork on social media. This could be in a bio link, an image description, a post comment section, etc. Commissioners may not remove my watermarks or crop them out of the frame when reposting my artwork.10. If you are given a custom character from me, I would appreciate if you let me know if/when that character is sold to a new buyer. (This is not a rule, rather a request so I know who to credit when posting art.)11. Do not claim my art as your own.12. My art may be used for personal use only. Under this falls: Personal prints, social media posts, references used for costumes/other commissions, profile pictures, etc. Do not use my art for business purposes such as merchandising, advertisements, etc.